
Ten tiny creatures that can kill you

10 Tiny Creatures That Can Kill You
10 Tiny Creatures That Can Kill You

Most of us have a few irrational fears - and a huge number of people are terrified of a whole range of creepy crawlies that can't do you any harm.

But what about the ones that really are dangerous?

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Here we're taking a look at the tiny creatures around the world that can kill you - these are the beasts that you really don't want to come across at any time of the day or night

10. Asian Giant Hornet
The world's biggest species of hornet, the Asian Giant Hornet is responsible for killing an average of 40 humans a year. The insect's habitat overlaps with human territory, and as a swarm they have been known to unleash fierce unprovoked attacks on passers by. With a stinger sharp enough to pierce leather, the hornet can repeatedly inject their victims with complex venom, powerful enough to disintegrate human flesh. If not treated quickly multiple stings from the hornet can send victims into shock or cardiac arrest, or lead to multiple organ failure.

9. Deathstalker
The deathstalker is the most dangerous species of scorpion on the planet. Using six different fast acting neurotoxins, the venom of the deathstalker immobilises the victim by attacking the nerve tissue. The deathstalker's venom is particularly lethal to children, the elderly and adults with heart conditions. With the cause of death usually being an inflammation of the pancreas and a build up of fluid in the lungs. However, health adults also run the risk of suffering a fatal allergic reaction from the scorpion's sting.

venomous wandering spider ...
venomous wandering spider ...

8. Brazilian Wandering Spider
The bite of the world's most venomous spider acts as a fatal double act. While the neurotoxin shuts down the body the serotonin sends blinding pain throughout the body. The existence of effective anti-venoms means that, thankfully, few fatalities occur. If left untreated the spider's bite can cause loss of muscle control which leads to paralysis and asphyxiation.

7. Lonomia Caterpillar
This caterpillar gained infamy worldwide during the 1980s when a community in Brazil was struck down with the same gangrenous symptoms. The victims suffered complications due to 'bruised blood' and the caterpillar was identified as the culprit. The insect administers a deadly venom to anyone it comes into contact with thanks to the sharp hairs that cover their skin.

6. Irukandji Jellyfish
Dubbed the 'world's most venomous creature' the translucent jellyfish is virtually invisible when in water. With stingers on both its tentacles and bell, the jellyfish releases millions of microscopic needles filled with venom into the skin of anyone that comes into contact with it. The stingers cause Irukandji syndrome which floods the body with stress hormones creating an inevitable sense of doom. Blood pressure sky rockets at the same time causing a brain haemorrhage that eventually kills the victim.

5. Geographic Cone Snail
This snail has a deadly venom made up of a complex cocktail of hundreds of different toxins. The snail delivers its venom by propelling a harpoon-like tooth into its victims. It has been responsible for more than 30 human deaths since records began in 1705. The venom paralyses the victim instantly and without medical intervention they will fall into a coma before suffering complete respiratory failure and cardiovascular collapse.

Mounted Puffer Fish
Mounted Puffer Fish

4. Puffer Fish
The fish contains a toxin 1,200 times more deadly that cyanide - despite this, puffer fish remain a delicacy in Japan. Chefs have to train for two years before they can legally serve the fish to the public and five people each year still die from the meal. The poison from one fish is strong enough to kill 30 men.

3. Golden Dart Frog
The tiny frog is one of the most toxic animals on Earth and its skin is covered in enough poison to kill 10 adults. The animal is native to the Colombian rainforest and the country's indigenous population have weaponised the toxic skin for years. The poison leaves the muscles in contraction causing a rapid heartbeat or even heart failure.

2. Blue-Ringed Octopus
Although it weighs a lot less than a slice of bread this octopus has the power to kill 26 humans in just a few minutes. This is because the venom contains ten toxins, including a poison more intense that you can find in any land animal and the octopus' beak is strong enough to penetrate a wet suit. The bite may feel painless but it leaves victims paralysed and leads to respiratory failure. The only treatment is hours of heart massage and artificial respiration until the poison wears off 24 hours later.

1. Mosquito
This is the deadliest animal on Earth and the mosquito is infamous for transmitting bacterial diseases, viruses and parasites. It's estimated that three quarters of a million people are killed each year due to mosquito-borne diseases. The biggest mosquito-borne disease is malaria which affects up to 600 million people each year.