17 Photos That Prove Bad Luck Exists In The Worst Possible Form

1.The time this person pulled out a McDonald's french fry to see this:

A hand holding a small, thin fry with a dead spider stuck to it, with illustrated garlic bulbs in the background
u/kuatstudio / reddit.com

2.The time this person realized their wisdom tooth was so painful because it was coming in like this:

Dental X-ray showing a horizontally impacted wisdom tooth pushing against the adjacent molar
u/mdaws7 / reddit.com

3.And the time this person received a dental estimate over $15,000 just to be pain-free:

An invoice shows an estimated patient cost of $4,339 and a highlighted total amount of $15,692.50
u/chiiave / reddit.com

4.The time this person spent hundreds of dollars on a necklace and it still didn't even come in a box:

Packing slip with an 18" 10K rose gold necklace and opal diamond accent for an order from Kay Jewelers. Includes order ID, customer details, and refund policy
u/wtw369 / reddit.com

5.The time this person saw someone tried to open their door and broke off a key inside the lock:

A person with a dog on a leash is reflected on a metallic door surface with a lock in the foreground
u/Raggenn / reddit.com

6.The time this person unloaded nearly every dish just to realize they hadn't been actually cleaned:

Dishwasher loaded with utensils, with a dishwasher detergent pod caught between two forks
u/ColonelMu5t4rd / reddit.com

7.The time this person was pickpocketed but the thief dropped the phone trying to run away and this happened:

A cracked smartphone screen displaying a distorted and repeated image of the lock screen. Time shown is 03:44
u/JONMAN_IS_EPIC / reddit.com

8.The time this person was a little late applying sunscreen:

Two sunburned legs with distinct tan lines
u/Pale-Equal / reddit.com

9.And the time this person went on a float trip and forgot to put it on altogether:

A person's lower legs showing significant irritation and redness, possibly due to sunburn or skin condition. No text or celebrities in the image
u/One-Among-The_Fence / reddit.com

10.The time this person dropped their blunt in the toilet:

A single cigarette butt is discarded in a toilet bowl
u/foenetik- / reddit.com

11.The time this person picked up the plushie in the claw...

A claw machine has captured a cute plush frog toy with a smiley face, dressed in overalls, surrounded by other plush toys inside the machine
u/vron_vol2 / reddit.com

But it wouldn't release because it was attached by a thread:

Claw machine attempts to grab a cup-shaped plush toy among other stuffed animals, some recognizable as characters from popular media
u/vron_vol2 / reddit.com

12.The time this person rolled their ankle and this happened:

A swollen foot with a bruised ankle and a small abrasion, resting on a textured surface. The toes appear slightly discolored.
u/vcatjackson / reddit.com

13.The time this person was sleeping and their fan did this:

Bedroom with a ceiling fan detached and resting on a wooden chest at the foot of a bed. Dim lighting from a bedside lamp
u/Candid_Reading_7267 / reddit.com

14.The time this person picked up paint but the store didn't shut the lid all the way so this happened:

A can of paint has spilled in the back seat of a car, with paint covering the floor and the side of a seat
u/zalik9 / reddit.com

And when they tried to clean it this happened:

Spilled powdery substance on a carpet with an attempt to clean it up using a spatula
u/zalik9 / reddit.com

15.The time this person was driving and a screwdriver came at their car like this...

A broom is caught mid-air above a highway with several vehicles, including a white truck with a trailer, driving along the road
u/ZenOfThunder / reddit.com

Hitting it and cracking the windshield like this:

Vehicles driving on a multi-lane highway, including a white truck in the center lane and a white car on the left. An industrial area is seen in the background
u/ZenOfThunder / reddit.com

16.The time this person's burn resembled a rectum:

Close-up of a person's skin showing a raised, red, irritated area with a flower tattoo around it
u/JewelerPowerful2993 / reddit.com

17.And, finally, the time this person got a bag of their very own dog's poop attached to their vehicle because THEY DESERVED IT for not picking it up!!!

A green iguana rests on the rear of a blue SUV, pointed out by a large red arrow. The vehicle is parked in a residential area with a house and trees in the background
u/herizonshine / reddit.com