15 Employers Whose Job Listings Are So Insulting, I’m Genuinely Fuming Right Now
1.This job listing that asked applicants to have over 20 years of experience but would only pay them $22 an hour tops:
2.This job listing that wanted applicants to have a PhD but also be willing to live on a 'ramen + instant coffee' salary:
3.This job listing looking for a maid for FIVE houses that paid UNDER minimum wage:
4.This job listing for a full-time nanny who would only be paid $70 a week:
5.This job listing for an internship that would be paid AFTER four months of unpaid training:
6.This job listing looking for an experienced person but paid less than a dollar an hour:
7.This job listing that was looking for someone to basically manage the whole business but with a starting pay of $10 an hour:
8.This job listing that those hired would have to pay for their certificate training AND go through unpaid training for a month:
9.This job listing for a babysitter with a lot of requirements and only a pay of $6.25:
10.This job listing for a full-time job that paid $13,000 a year:
11.This job listing looking for a senior level position but paying $10 an hour:
12.This job listing for an AI developer that offered no pay:
13.This job listing that listed a ton of responsibilities for future hires but barely any money:
14.This job listing that was incredibly picky and stated that hired applicants would have to start working immediately:
15.And lastly, this job listing for a photography gig that...didn't pay at all: