15 ways to feel happier this 'Blue Monday' – and all January long

blue monday
15 ways to beat Blue Monday and the January blues franckreporter

January, eh? It's a miserable month, plagued by post-Christmas mood crashes, tightening purse strings, and bouts of the lurgy. Today, the third Monday of January, is supposedly 'Blue Monday', AKA the saddest day of the year. Coined in 2005 by psychologist Cliff Arnall, it's been annually leaped on by the media as a day expected to feel especially dour and gloomy, with positivity plummeting.

However, over the last several years it's been exposed as somewhat of a pseudoscience gimmick. A marketing tactic used by holiday company Sky Travel to encourage people to book their summer holidays, the agency partnered with Arnall to produce a 'depression formula' which took into account debt, time since Christmas, failing, quitting and motivational levels. Surprise, surprise, there was nary a peer-reviewed journal in sight.

Experts have since called it a 'ludicrous equation' which uses variables that are 'impossible to quantify', saying it's a flawed concept generally. It doesn't make sense that unhappiness should be especially intense on a particular day, and yet, setting up the expectation could in fact create a self-fulfilling prophecy where people are more inclined to feel down. Some critics also suggest that what might seem like a 'harmless bit of fun' in fact downplays, oversimplifies and trivialises real instances of depression, which again, can't be predicted. Arnall himself has advised people to 'refute the whole notion'.

Perhaps the reason behind its sticking power, however, is that the concept of January blues do resonate. Dr Jane Conwayy, lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of Galway also suggests that some who experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), where mood and energy take a dip in darker winter, may indeed feel a mid-month slump. Nuffield Health estimates that 1 in 15 people in the UK will experience SAD in some form each year.

So if you're still grappling with the fact that the sparkle of Christmas has been tossed out with the tinsel and that mornings are steeped in inky black, try and assuage some of the bad vibes with WH's January survival guide. Scroll on for science-backed advice to make you feel a little less downbeat all month long.

Get a sweat on

You’re pulling on your motivating pair of new leggings, when that little voice inside your head kicks in. 'Why don’t I just go for a run at lunch – or after work, even.' (You know you won’t).

63% of people make New Year’s resolutions and a whopping 80% break them by February. Which is why Olympian, and Performance and Wellness Coach, Leon Taylor has curated a five-step action plan, in association with Bare Biology, go help keep your fitness goals on track.

1. Expect life to get in the way.

2. Identify your curveballs – think of every little thing that might get in the way of you and your new habit. What are the kind of things that have stopped you in the past?

3. Use 'if-then' planning – how will you respond to each curveball when it appears? An example would be, 'If it’s raining outside and I’ve planned to run, then I will do a HIIT workout video on YouTube instead.'

4. Avoid the 'whatever' response – give yourself so many 'if-then' alternatives that saying 'sod it' and giving up on your plans the minute something doesn’t go your way isn’t even an option.

5. Shake it off – of course, there’ll always be something that happens which you haven’t planned for. But don’t let that throw you back into old patterns. Instead, take yourself away from the situation and shake your whole body vigorously. It sounds crazy but the shaking really does interrupt that familiar behaviour pattern and can give you just the dose of perseverance you need.

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Take a hot shower or bath

Getting squeaky clean and washing away all your worries will leave you feeling ready to take on the day - or wind down from it

1.Take a cold shower. Recommended by Beata Aleksandrowicz, international massage expert and founder of Pure Massage, increasing circulation can helps pick you up when you’re feeling down. Teach your body how to adapt to the cold water by gradually decreasing the temperature when you take your morning shower. Then alternate hot and cold water to boost your immune and circulatory systems. Energising.

2.Ditch the plastic – and feel good about it. One rubbish truck worth of plastic ends up in our oceans every minute, so swap shampoo bottles for shampoo bars, like this one from Kitsch.

3.Lube up. Nothing can contribute to a downer more than feeling uncomfortable and unhappy in your skin. The shower and shower oils from Re:Fresh (£16.45, naturalspafactory.com) are designed to alleviate that – formulated with Gotu Kola, known as the 'herb of enlightenment' and scientifically proven to ease anxiety; plus commute-surviving uplifting oils from lemon peel, lime and rosemary.

4. Use bath salts. If you're bathing near bedtime, start winding down with aromatherapy by using Sensory Philosophy Bonne Nuit bath salts, made with lavender, bergamot, cedarwood and chamomile essential oils.

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Break the fast

Fuel up as you mean to go on. Nutritionist Fiona Lawson has the ultimate breakfast suggestion for facing January Blues

'The secret to mood-boosting eating is choosing foods that balance your blood sugar. Oats are a perfect example of this: they provide a low-GL form of carbohydrate, which means their energy is released slowly and steadily.

'This helps you to feel consistently energised, positively affecting your thoughts and emotions. Oats are also brimming with B vitamins, which help the body to manage stress appropriately, and the fibre in oats not only supports regular digestion, but it can feed the good bacteria in the gut - something increasingly shown in science to positively impact mood.' Try one of these porridge recipes.

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Drink up

Don’t underestimate the potential of your mid-morning hydration break for perking you up.

Accredited nutritionist at sense*, Dimitra Sentelidou, explains how to ramp yours up: 'Beetroot powder is a fantastic source of the chemical betaine anhydrous and the amino acid tryptophan, both of which have been shown to improve mood. Betaine is a chemical that occurs naturally in the body but is also found potently in beets. As well as this, in order for your body to manufacture serotonin, the neurotransmitter known as the 'happiness hormone,' it needs a sufficient supply of tryptophan.'

Sprinkle some in a smoothie and reap the benefits.

Blue Monday Survival Guide

Have a mood-boosting lunch

The science of the precise impact of food on your mood is still young, but some things we do know. Namely, that Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with good brain function. Need some lunch inspo? Try these Omega-3-rich foods.

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Anna Kurzaeva - Getty Images


This is perhaps the simplest thing you can do for a mood boost all year round: smile. Recommended by life coach and behavioural expert Michelle Zelli, when you move your mouth upwards, science has proved that your mood will follow.

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Phone a friend - or, even better: see them in person

Zelli also recommends giving a loved one a quick call, or making plans to speak face to face. Need to offload? A problem shared is a problem halved. Just want to share how your day went? An outside perspective can offer new insights. Research supports this, showing that just one quality conversation with a friend boosts daily wellbeing, with in person beating online. You can count increased happiness and lowered stress as just a couple of the benefits.

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Do good to feel good

Zelli suggests doing someone a favour may actually give you the biggest rewards of all. And the science agrees, saying that acts of kindness and helping others - like assisting a neighbour or donating to a good cause - help individuals experience better mental health, and lower levels of depression and anxiety. Go on, give up your train seat for a pregnant lady or spare some change for the homeless.

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Nature nurture

The last in Zelli's top tips: get outside. Research confirms that nature soaks up our negative vibes by reducing stress, enhancing cognitive function and - if you get active - improving cardiovascular health, so take a walk outside and get present as you notice the beauty and shift your energy.

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Love your lobes

Take a screen break for a few minutes of self-massage – Aleksandrowicz guarantees it will keep you feeling New Year tip top:

'Try this simple ear massage. We have several hundred pressure points in each ear related to different organs and structures of the body. Rub the ear lobes between your thumbs and index finger using rhythmical and dynamic strokes for 1-2 minutes. This will boost your mood in an instant.'

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Make your gut happy

An imbalanced gut microbiome has been associated with low mood. Help restore order by filling up on pre- and probiotics.

Keep these snacks to hand, says Bio-Kult nutritional therapist Natalie Lamb:

Fermented foods such as a mug of hot miso, a glass of kombucha, sauerkraut or kimchi with some turkey on an oat cake, homemade yogurt or kefir with some fresh fruit, walnuts and seeds.

Foods high in the protein tryptophan, such as meat and poultry. Turkey is a great option if you have any left in the freezer from Christmas or you come across end-of-season deals in the supermarkets.

Omega-rich eats: make up a batch of nut butter, try chia, flax and hemp seed energy bites, or dip vegetable sticks into mackerel pate.

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PamelaJoeMcFarlane - Getty Images

Light up

The NHS estimates that around one in 15 people are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in the UK – and symptoms, which include low mood, lethargy and irritability, can increase around this time.

'Women aged 18-30 are particularly at risk,' says LloydsPharmacy pharmacist Pareena Patel. 'Even more so if they have a family history of depression, bipolar disease or SAD.'

We also all need around 30 minutes of bright light to our eyes every day for optimum mood – but it the winter that can be hard to achieve as what we need is roughly four times brighter than a well-lit office. So, plug in a light-therapy lamp such as the Lumie Vitamin L (£75, lumie.com) or Betterlife Healthcare Bright Light Mini Sad Light Box £55, betterlifehealthcare.com), instead.

Blue Monday Survival Guide

Find a pet

According to the University of British Columbia, spending time around animals can lower stress levels and improve mood. And you don't need to have a pet yourself to benefit. Even watching coo-worthy clips on Instagram can have a positive impact. (Hello, @thedodo.)

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Kseniya Ovchinnikova - Getty Images

Fine dining

Can’t be bothered to cook most some evenings? Toss together the below ingredients, recommended by dietitian Juliette Kellow, into a salad and have the ultimate mood-lifting meal in seconds.

Oily fish such as mackerel or salmon. 'These are one of the few foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D, a nutrient that helps the immune system function properly. In the spring and summer, we can make this vitamin in our body when skin is exposed to sunlight, but in the winter months, the sun’s rays aren’t strong enough to make vitamin D, with the result that many of us have low levels in our blood at this time of year. Plus, oily fish are rich in an omega-3 fat called DHA that’s vital for keeping our brain functioning well.'

Almonds. 'When cold-weather cravings kick-in, it’s easy to resort to sugary treats like chocolate and biscuits but adding a handful of chopped almonds (about 28g) to your dinner will deliver fibre, protein, niacin (vitamin B3), folate and iron, plus riboflavin (vitamin B2) and magnesium, all essential nutrients that contribute to a reduction in tiredness and fatigue.'

Clementines. 'These popular fruits are rich in vitamin C, which is vital for your immune system and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. Better still, this nutrient helps your body absorb iron from plant foods, making it especially important if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. A lack of iron can make you feel weak and exhausted, even if you’re getting plenty of sleep.'

Blue Monday Survival Guide

Sleep well

Getting a good night's sleep is integral to robust mental health and mood regulation. Here're sleep expert at Dormeo, Phil Lawlor’s top bedtime tips:

1. Turn down the heat. 'The idea range for sleep is 16-18 degrees celsius.'

2. Switch off the lights. 'Light can keep the brain engaged so make your bedroom as dark as possible. This means shutting your blinds or curtains and possibly even using a sleep mask to shut out any natural or street light', he advises.

3. Log off. 'Avoid using any devices with screens in the hours before bedtime, as the blue light they emit can be a sleep disruptor.'

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