10 poisonous mushrooms to watch out for in Britain

Forages, take note. Britain is not safe for poisonous mushrooms  - Alamy 
Forages, take note. Britain is not safe for poisonous mushrooms - Alamy

Forages beware.

Britain is home to a number of poisonous mushrooms. While some can cause side effects like nausea, blurred vision and diarrhoea if eaten, the consumption of others can be fatal. So it raises the question, which ones are no-gos and what are the risks? 

From the 'jack o' lantern' to the 'panther cap', these are the mushrooms to steer clear of. 

1. Amanita phalloides (death cap) 

Amanita phalloides taste pleasant, but are deadly  - Credit: Alamy 
Amanita phalloides taste pleasant, but are deadly Credit: Alamy

One of the world’s deadliest mushrooms, death caps are said to have been behind the death of the Roman emperor Claudius in 54AD. Although they taste pleasant and resemble many safer varieties of mushroom, just 1oz is enough to kill a human. In 2013, an inquest heard that a woman died after adding them to soup.

2. Amanita virosa (destroying angel) 

Its toxins attack the liver and kidneys, often fatally  - Credit: Alamy 
Its toxins attack the liver and kidneys, often fatally Credit: Alamy

With a name like that, it’s no wonder that it’s best to steer clear of this highly toxic mushroom. The toxins within it attack the liver and kidneys, often fatally, and there is no established antidote. A liver transplant is often the only way to avoid death.

3. Cortinarius rubellus and C. orellanus (deadly webcap/fool's webcap)

This pair of mushrooms, which are more common up north, are among the most poisonous mushrooms in the UK  - Credit: Alamy 
This pair of mushrooms, which are more common up north, are among the most poisonous mushrooms in the UK Credit: Alamy

Not often found in the south of England but much more common up north, this pair of mushrooms are among the most poisonous mushrooms in the UK. It was deadly webcaps (pictured) that Nicholas Evans, author of The Horse Whisperer, his wife and two other relatives are thought to have been accidentally poisoned by in 2008.

4. Amanita pantherina (panther cap) 

The panther cap causes hallucinations and sickness - Credit: Alamy 
The panther cap causes hallucinations and sickness Credit: Alamy

Its close resemblance to the edible blusher mushroom has caused many a forager to accidentally ingest a panther cap. It causes hallucinations and sickness, and in some cases may be fatal.

5. Amanita muscaria (fly agaric)

Looks are deceiving in the case of the deadly amanita muscaria (fly agaric)  - Credit: Alamy 
Looks are deceiving in the case of the deadly amanita muscaria (fly agaric) Credit: Alamy

With its bright red hue and distinctive white spots, the fly agaric looks like the quintessential toadstool of children’s fairytales. It is, however, poisonous– though eating one is more likely to make you feel sick or delirious than kill you.

6. Gyromitra esculenta (false morel) 

It's safe to eat if cooked, but is poisonous if raw  - Credit: Alamy 
It's safe to eat if cooked, but is poisonous if raw Credit: Alamy

This tasty mushroom is a popular delicacy in Scandinavia and parts of Eastern Europe – but always comes with health warnings. Why? It’s safe to eaten if cooked, but is poisonous if raw.

7. Clitocybe rivulosa (fool's funnel) 

The 'sweating mushroom' can cause death in severe cases  - Credit: Alamy 
The 'sweating mushroom' can cause death in severe cases Credit: Alamy

Also called "the sweating mushroom", this mushroom can cause nausea, diarrhoea, blurred vision and (as its nickname suggests) sweating. It can cause death in severe cases. 

8. Boletus satanas (devil's bolete) 

Like many toxic mushrooms, it is much more dangerous raw  - Credit: Alamy 
Like many toxic mushrooms, it is much more dangerous raw Credit: Alamy

This mushroom is rare in Britain (it's usually found in the south) but is much more common in Europe. It can provoke nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting for hours on end, but it is not usually fatal. Like many toxic mushrooms, it is much more dangerous raw. 

9. Agaricus xanthodermus (yellow-stainer) 

Beware of 'yellow-stainer' in wooded areas - Credit: Alamy 
Beware of 'yellow-stainer' in wooded areas Credit: Alamy

Widespread in woods, garden and hedgerows, this mushroom can cause severe gastrointestinal problems as well as sweating and flushing.

10. Omphalotus olearius (jack o' lantern)

Nicknamed 'jack o' lantern', the omphalotus olearius glowly slightly in the dark  - Credit: Alamy 
Nicknamed 'jack o' lantern', the omphalotus olearius glowly slightly in the dark Credit: Alamy

This poisonous mushroom is rare (it's generally found in North America) but can cause a range of symptoms, including cramps and diarrhoea. Its name arises from the fact it glows slightly in the dark.